Your Donations Matter!

Please donate your vehicle to us.
HELP US HELP A LOT OF KIDS in dire need.
By participating in our FREE Vehicle Donation Program where YOU get to help us! A major source of our financial support is from vehicle donations. In the process, you may get a great tax advantage yourself. |
The Los Angeles Youth Supportive Services, Inc. is a non-profit agency set up to deal with endangered youth and youth living on the streets. |
It is the mission of LA Youth Supportive Services, Inc. to do whatever is necessary to insure that the youth and young adults we serve will have all the professional support, guidance, life-skills, and education they need to successfully navigate through the minefield called adolescence and emerge as successful adults.
Most of our clients are high risk and unattached youth and young adults. They are at high risk for dropping out of school, substance abuse and addiction and especially suicide. We describe them as "unattached" because they have no attachments to responsible, caring adult role models and teachers. Many have been cast out of their families or left, out of self-protection. In having to fend for themselves, they are being robbed of their adolescence by being forced to become adults long before they have finished being kids.
We believe that all youth should, unconditionally, have food, shelter and loving, supportive parents and elders so that they can concentrate on going to school, dating, having fun and learning the life-skill lessons necessary for later life.
We look at L.A. Youth Supportive Services as being a new family for youth and young adults whose original families have not been able to provide the guidance, life teachings and support necessary for a successful transition into a responsible, mentally healthy and joyous adulthood. Our overriding operating and therapeutic philosophy is that all decisions that impact our clients must ultimately answer this basic question, "If this was my own kid, how would I handle this?"
We act as both caring mental health professionals and surrogate family until we can get them into a stable surrogate family environment. To whatever degree their natural families are not being loving, caring and supportive, we feel it is our obligation to do so. |
New Feature!!
- Counseling on Demand: The secret of our success
- Why LA-Youth Services deserves your support.
Or write to Jason Wittman, the Executive Director with your comments and questions. |
"Taking it to the streets"
The Los Angeles Times,
Sunday, May 7, 2000
Other news articles.
The Campaign for Zero Tolerance in Schools of Teasing, Taunting, Ridicule and Bullying (TTRB)
How to Really Win the War On Drugs
Drugs and Alcohol: How Much Is Too Much?
Poems by our Clients
Poems by our Executive Director, Jason Wittman, MPS
In Memorium