Your Donations Matter!

Please donate your vehicle to us.

HELP US HELP A LOT OF KIDS in dire need.



By participating in our FREE Vehicle Donation Program where YOU get to help us! A major source of our financial support is from vehicle donations. In the process, you may get a great tax advantage yourself.



Our Reply to Channel 9-TV criticism of our Vehicle Donation Program, May 30, 2000

Our response to Mr. Dennis Herzig, the News Director of KCAL Channel 9 in Los Angeles regarding the distorted news story about vehicle donation programs that aired on his station. Most reporting of vehicle donation programs, including a recent article in the Los Angeles Times, use the same faulty logic as Channel 9’s story did. These slanted article have done serious harm to our financial well-being by discouraging potential donors. We recognize that these days the principle of “if it bleeds, it leads” controls what gets on the news and into the papers. When the reporters stab with distortion, an otherwise healthy program to have some sensationalized blood to sell the story, they have crossed the line of responsible journalism. The real pity is that they missed the real story, that of a wonderful organization that has been kept alive and well due to the monies generated by its vehicle donation program.

A Common Sense Proposal for Ending Violence on Campus, March 13, 2001

A response to the shootings at Santana High School in Santee, Calif. by Jason Wittman,MPS calling for the adoption of a policy of zero tolerance of Teasing, Taunting, Ridicule and Bullying and the teaching of self-esteem and self-love in schools.

Please write to Jason Wittman, the Executive Director with your comments and questions.

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